Alyson Guerrero RMA, CMRT is the Practice Supervisor for Pasteur Medical Associates. She was born in upstate New York to a military family and lived all over the Southwest United States and Germany. In 1978 she moved to San Antonio and has been here ever since. After graduating high school in 1982 and San Antonio College of Medical and Dental Assisting in 1983, she began her career in the medical field. Alyson was hired to our team in 1988 after gaining experience at a local Minor Emergency Clinic and obtaining certification from the State of Texas to perform X-rays. Over the past three decades with our company, she has grown professionally and learned invaluable information about the lab. In 2019, she was promoted and assumed the role of Lab Manager. In her spare time, Alyson volunteers for multiple youth organizations in San Antonio. She loves to sing and spend time with her family, friends, and her two rescue pups, Molli and Ari.